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What Permissions Does MEE6 Need?

List of permissions that each individual MEE6 plugin needs to function properly

You can save a lot of time by enabling one single Administrator permission for MEE6.

While 'Administrator' is a dangerous permission to give to members, MEE6 is a well-established bot used in over 21 million servers. Granting this permission to MEE6 will make managing the bot easier.

Plugin namePermissions required
AI Characters

View Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Manage Webhooks.


View Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.

Welcome&GoodbyeView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.
Welcome ChannelView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Manage Webhooks, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Manage Channel, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Embed Links, Manage Permissions.
Reaction RolesView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Attach Reactions, Use External Emojis, Attach Files.
ModeratorView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Manage Webhooks, Send Messages in Threads & Create Public/Private Threads, Manage Server, Manage Messages, Embed Links, Manage Permissions.
LevelsView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Embed Links, Create Invite.
AutomationsView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Manage Threads, Attach Reactions, Send Messages in Threads & Create Public/Private Threads, Manage Channel, Manage Messages, Manage Permissions.
Custom CommandsView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.
Invite TrackerView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Create Invite.
TicketingView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Attach Reactions, Manage Channel, Manage Messages, Manage Permissions.
PollsView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Attach Reactions.
Embed MessagesView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.
Search AnythingView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.
RecordView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.
HelpView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Embed Links.
RemindersView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Manage Webhooks, Connect.
Statistics ChannelsView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Manage Channel, Manage Permissions.
Temporary ChannelsView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Send Messages in Threads & Create Public/Private Threads, Manage Channel, Manage Messages, Manage Permissions.
Social Alerts
(Twitch Alerts, TikTok Alerts, Twitter Alerts, YouTube Alerts, Reddit Alerts, Instagram Alerts, RSS feeds, Kick Alerts, Podcast Alerts) 
View Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Manage Webhooks (Reddit alerts only).
AchievementsView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Embed Links.


View Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.
BirthdaysView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.
Music QuizView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Attach Reactions, Connect, Speak, Use Voice Activity.
EconomyView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles.
MonetizeView Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Create Invite.
Web3View Channels, Read Message History, Send Messages, Use External Emojis, Attach Files, Mention the Everyone, Here, and all roles, Manage Channel, Embed Links.

Breakdown of individual permissions and where they are required

Permission namePlugin(s) that require it
View Channels, Read Message History and Send Messages

These permissions are always required.

Manage Messages

Required for !clear, !slowmode commands, "delete command usage" option in commands, for Temporary Channels plugin and Moderator plugin.

Manage Roles

Required for role rewards, !mute and !tempmute commands, Auto welcome role, Custom Commands role actions, Birthday role, Live Streaming role, Reaction Roles, and Role items in Economy plugin. MEE6 also needs a role above the role it's trying to give in hierarchy: Discord server settings → Roles.

Manage Channels

Required for !mute, !tempmute and !slowmode commands, for Statistics and Temporary Channels plugins.

Manage Server

Required for the Server Invites ruleset in the Moderator plugin.

Kick Members and Ban Members

Required for !kick, !ban and !tempban commands, also for the AutoMod element of Moderator plugin to work. MEE6 also needs a role above the role it's trying to mute, kick or ban: Discord server settings → Roles.

Attach Files

Required for !rank command to show the Rank card. Otherwise it will fallback to an embed response.

Embed Links

Required for the Embeds plugin, Streamer notification embeds and any other plugin or command that sends a rich embedded message. Otherwise it will fallback to a plain text response.

Use External Emojis

Required for Music Quiz and Record plugins.

Connect and Speak

Required for Music Quiz and Record plugins.

Move members

Required to move members inside Temporary Channels (Hubs).

Manage Webhooks

Required for Moderator Audit Logging, Reminder plugin and Reddit Alerts.

Important note about custom bot (Bot Personalizer).

Your custom bot has its own, separate role. Make sure it has high position in your Discord server settings -> Roles.
This role also has its own, separate permissions.

If your server has "Require 2FA for moderator actions" enabled, the following permissions will require two-factor authentication:
- Administrator
- Kick Members
- Ban Members
- Manage Channels
- Manage Messages
- Manage Roles
- Manage Webhooks
- Manage Server

Without 2FA enabled on the bot owner's account, these permissions will not function.

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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