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MEE6 Bot Variables

This article is closely related to Custom Commands Arguments. 
To learn more about Custom Commands Arguments please visit this article.

Variables are custom elements inside our MEE6 bot that can give you and your users additional information.

The Custom Commands plugin is the best place for using MEE6 variables.
Please note: some MEE6 plugins do not support variables at this time.

Here is a list of variables you can use.
This is not a complete list, we will update it over time to include other examples of supported variables.

Supported Variables Per Plugin

Plugin name
Supported Variables
Achievements{achievement} and {player} variables only
Twitch{streamer} and {link} variables only
Custom CommandsAll variables except for plugin-specific ones above

This list will be updated with more examples over time.
Please try using the variables below to see if they work with your specific plugin.

User Variables

User variables always refer to the user who typed the command.

VariableExample of the output
{user.discriminator}deprecated by Discord

Server Variables

Server variables always refer to the server where the command was executed.

VariableExample of the output
{server}Test server
{}Test server
{server.region}deprecated by Discord

Channel Variables

Channel variables always refer to the to channel where the command was executed.

VariableExample of its output

Other Variables and Additional Information

{...}Type this variable manually. In the Custom Commands plugin, MEE6 will send the message you type after the command.
For example, typing !say this is a test will make MEE6 send 'this is a test'
{}True - user is a bot. False - user is not a bot
{server.verification_level}0 - none, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - tableflip
{server.joined_at}Date when your bot joined the server
{channel.type}0 - text, 1 - dm, 2 - voice channel, 3 - group dm, 4 - category
{username}When used inside Temporary Channels plugin will show the name of the temporary voice channel's owner
{random:x:y}Picks a random number between X and Y of your choice.
Example: {random:2:5} would pick a random number between 2 and 5.
Type this variable and its arguments manually.
{random}Picks a random number between 0 and 10

Feel free to experiment with Arguments and Variables to build the perfect custom commands that will benefit your server or improve the output of your other plugins.

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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