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How To Use Audit Logs To Track Your Members' Actions

Why Use Audit Logging?

MEE6 Audit Logging helps you manage, monitor, and moderate your community.

Here are a few examples of the benefits of having logs:

  • Your Moderators will be able to track your members' actions.
  • Moderators will be able to track each other actions.
  • Tracking which moderator has performed a specific moderation action.
  • Tracking when one of your moderators / admins had given someone a role, or when they change your server settings.
  • Tracking members' name changes.

Where Do I Start?

  1. Visit your server's dashboard:
  2. Select the Moderator plugin and the Audit Logging Tab.
  3. You will select one channel where all the logs will go to.
  4. It's best to create one specific channel for audit log purposes.
- Audits happen every minute with all the settings you had enabled. - Logs are posted every 1-5 minutes in bulk, with all tracked events at once to avoid rate limits.
- The logging channel should typically be hidden to your moderators and admins only.

How Audit Logs Look Like

When an audit log is posted, it shows the user's profile picture, their Discord username, what action they had done, and the time of the event.
For this example image we can see what it looks like when someone joins and leaves a voice channel. We can see who joined and when, which can help in confirming any reports of disruption.

There are many actions that MEE6 can audit, so feel free to enable what audit logs are important to your moderation team.

Extra settings

Ignored Section

As the description mentions, you should select channels where MEE6 should NOT log. This would be helpful for hidden channels you don't want your moderators to see and for channels that may produce too many low-value logs that you're not interested in.

Additional Settings

Don't log actions made by bots

  • This means that if a bot does an action that would typically cause an audit log to occur, MEE6 will now ignore auditing another bots action.
  • Great if you don't want to overlap bot actions and have them be tracked.

Don't display user thumbnails

  • Some of the action logs will also include a picture thumbnail so you can better identify which user it is. Helpful for larger servers where some users may have similar names and you want to identify the correct account.
  • You would want to enable this setting if you find the pictures unnecessary.

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