Currently, you can access your subscription details only with Standard Stripe Accounts. This means that if you have an Express Account, you will need to contact us.
This article will teach you how to access your subscriber’s details which include:
- Tier they have subscribed
- Full personal details (Name/Email/ID)
- Customer’s Discord User ID
1. Accessing Stripe
Visit or alternatively, → your server → Monetize → Receive Payments → 3 dots menu to the right of Bank account → Dashboard
2. Finding Subscriptions
Go to Payments and then Subscriptions
3. Reading the Details
Once we open a subscriber’s detail, we have access to:
- Which tier (plan) they are subscribed
- Their 4 last credit card digits
- Full name
- Email and more
4. Going Deeper
In case you would like to access in-depth details (Discord User ID or other event dates), access your Customer page (you can get there by clicking on the customer's name from their Subscription page), locate and access the very first payment that they had, which has the Subscription creation description:
Then, scroll the page all the way down to Events and Logs, and scroll the events in the Latest Activity all the way down as well, till you see the very first event A request to create a Checkout Session completed. Click/tap on it, and you'll be able to see your customer's details on the right, including their Discord User ID(you might need to use the button See all XX lines):
Please note:
These events and logs might be available for only 1 year.
If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️