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How to Use Reaction Roles as a Verification Gate for Your Community

This is a guide on how to use the reaction roles plugin to create a verification gate where users only gain access to the rest of your server upon reading and reacting to a message.

Why would this be a great idea?

This is a great idea to implement in larger community servers as it allows your server channels to be hidden or limited to new joiners by default until they receive a role by reacting to a post.

Many communities post rules that members should read before interacting with any other parts of your server, and by reacting and receiving a role, they have at least seen the channel of rules and accepted them.

You will need two things ready on Discord before we get started with Mee6.

Preparing your Discord Server

Step 1: Setting up server Discord roles

Create a unique role specifically for the purpose of granting View Channel permissions.

Most communities call this "Verified" or "Members", but you can name it anything you would like.

If you don't already have a role similar to this, create a new one!

To create a new role go to Server Settings -> Roles -> Create Role.

Name it what you like!

Giving clarity to members and your team is always nice, so consider naming it something easy to understand.

Your @everyone role should have View channels permission set to off.

Step 2: Setting up the server Discord channel

Next, you want a dedicated channel for the MEE6 Reaction Role post.

Most communities will name this channel "Get Started", "Rules", or "Verify Here"

This channel's permissions should be set for the @everyone role:

  • View Channel should be set as enable (green).
  • Send Messages set to deny (x).
  • Add Reactions set to deny (x).

Do you want the channel to disappear once they had seen and gained the role?

You may also want to consider if you want this to be a read-once acceptance channel. So that once they had accepted/verified that they had read it — they would no longer see the channel.
To do that, edit the channel permission so that your Step 1 role has the View Channel permission Disabled.

That way, once they gain the role, they won't have access to view the channel again.

Using MEE6 Reaction Role Plugin

Now that you have a role and a channel ready to use, we want to set up the verification gate with MEE6!

We can use MEE6 to create a message with rules or information to accept that users must interact as a way to verify they had seen that message first.

1. Go to your servers MEE6 Dashboard
2. Select the Reaction Roles Plugin -> Create a New
3. Fill in the next prompts:
3a. Channel: should be the new created channel you had made.
3b. Reaction Role Name: You can name it anything, but it's best for clarity to name it easy to understand for you and your team (Members do not see this anywhere, this is only for you).
You can name for your own clarity like, "Join Gate Verification", "Verify", or "Join".
3c. Message Type: You can use the "Text Message" OR "Embed Message".

Fill in your message following that.

Reaction and Roles
The last step of this page is creating the interaction.

You have a choice to use a button (Emoji and Text), a simple emoji, or even a dropdown menu.

Dropdown menu should be avoided for this purpose as it's usually used if you have several roles to pick from.

For this example purpose, the type of reaction we use is Emoji.

Allow members to pick up roles from multiple reactions does not matter in this case. It can be kept on or turned off.

It is better to not add more buttons / emoji as it would only confuse what a member should be interacting with to obtain access your server.
Lastly, there is Reaction Mode. For the our use of a verification gate, it's best to simply keep this on default.


Your end result should be something similar to this:

New users should be able to react with it, receive a role, and unlock permissions for the rest of the channels.
In this example guide they can now see all the other channels, but you can do other great stuff such as disabling sending messages while still being able to see all the channels.

For your specific community needs, it's best to try what works best for your and make some changes in the steps as you would like.

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