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Automations XP Doesn't Trigger Levels Role Rewards

If your server's Automations grant or remove XP but don't trigger role rewards for level changes, please read below.

Issue Description

Currently, when a user gains or loses enough XP via Automations to level up or down, the corresponding role rewards in the Levels settings are not granted or removed correctly.

This issue affects only the XP granted or lost via an Automation, so role rewards will be correctly applied the next time the user levels up through normal chat activity or via the /give-xp command.

Our developers are aware of this issue and they will look into it in the future.


If a server member is level 1 and gains enough XP via an Automation to get to level 2, they will not get the role reward assigned to the level 2.
Then, if that member reaches level 3 by chatting or via the /give-xp command, they will receive role rewards for both levels 2 and 3.


  1. Consider disabling Automations that grant or remove XP.
  2. Alternatively, you can use the /remove-xp command for the appropriate amount of XP to de-level a server member, and then use the /give-xp command for the same amount of XP to make them level up again. This way the role rewards will be triggered correctly.
  3. You can also edit the "Level Up Announcement Message" in the Levels plugin (even by just one symbol) and save it. This action will trigger a role check and apply role rewards to any members who gained levels but don't have corresponding role rewards.

    Please note: This workaround only works for users who gained levels. Users who lost XP will still need to be manually checked and have their rewards adjusted.
If your users don't get any XP from chatting in text channels, please see this article to ensure you have Levels plugin configured correctly.

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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