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How To Fix Server Members Not Getting XP

If you notice that some or all of your server members aren't getting XP for chatting in text channels, follow this guide.

You will need MEE6 Premium to be able to use the Levels plugin.
Go to Server Dashboard > Essentials > Levels.

On the plugin page, look for the "No-XP Roles" and "No-XP Channels" settings.
Ensure that the user doesn't have a role that's prohibited from earning XP by chatting and that they are sending messages in channels where XP is allowed.
The settings in the screenshot below will enable all roles to gain XP, regardless of the text channel they're chatting in.

If users still aren't getting XP, ensure MEE6 (or your custom bot (Bot Personalizer feature)) has the correct Discord permissions on your server.
Visit this page for more information about the necessary Discord permissions for the MEE6 Levels plugin.

Please note:
- XP can only be earned by chatting in text channels.
- XP granted or removed by Automations won't trigger Levels Role rewards. We are aware of this limitation between the two plugins and plan to address it in the future.

For more details on what to do when XP from Automations doesn’t trigger Role rewards from the Levels plugin, please see this article.

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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