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Give a role to new members (Auto-role)

With MEE6, you can automatically give a role to new members that join your server. This feature is useful if you want your members to have a default role, such as a “member” role in your server, or if you just want to add some color to their names to brighten up the server.

How to set up auto-roles

To set up auto-roles, all you need to do is go to your server dashboard > Essentials > Welcome & Goodbye

Location of the plugin

Once here, enable the option "Give a role to new users", then add the roles you want MEE6 to give to new members when they join your server.

For MEE6 to be able to give roles to new members, make sure MEE6's role is above the role in your role hierarchy. Also, make sure that the MEE6 role has to manage roles permission enabled.

"Roles are given upon server rules acceptance"

If you run a community Discord server, this option will be automatically enabled for you. It forces the new members to accept the server's rules before they get the role assigned: this preserves Discords anti-raid protections, which prevents newcomers from sending messages before they have accepted the rules (this protection is deactivated as soon as the user gets a role).

If you have any issues with the plugin, do not hesitate to join our support server ✌️

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