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MEE6 Twitch Alerts for Discord

With MEE6 Twitch Alerts plugin, you can easily configure the MEE6 bot to notify your Discord server when your favorite streamers go live. Stay updated with new streams from your selected channels, or if you're a streamer, alert your Discord community when you start streaming.

How to add a MEE6 Twitch Alert?

You will need MEE6 premium to be able to use the Twitch Alerts plugin.
Head to Server Dashboard > Social Alerts > Twitch Alerts. Open the plugin page and click "New Twitch channel" button.

Alert Configuration

• Twitch Alerts:

Specify the Twitch channel you want to follow.
MEE6 accepts both full links and channel names, so and discord both work.
MEE6 can also search for Twitch channels based on a keyword. For example, typing 'flowers' will display a list of Twitch channels with 'flowers' in their names. Please note that any search may take a few seconds for the results to appear.

• Message:

You can edit a message that MEE6 bot will send together with each Twitch alert. Default text pings @everyone.
You can replace it with any other role your server has.

• Post in channel:

Select the Discord channel where MEE6 should post alerts for this Twitch channel.

• Auto-refresh:

Disable this to keep original screenshot and viewer counter from the beginning of the stream.

• Auto-delete:

Enable this if you want to remove alert after the stream has concluded.

Example of a MEE6 Bot Twitch Alert

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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