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How To Ban, Kick or Mute with MEE6

Want your server to be a safe place for your members?
Make sure you can Ban, Kick, and Mute those who don't respect the rules!

Setting Up the MEE6 Moderator Plugin

You will need MEE6 Premium to be able to use the Moderator plugin.
Head to the Server Dashboard > Essentials > Moderator. If the plugin was disabled before, click on the plugin name to enable it.

Click on the Commands tab and make sure the commands you want to use are enabled. 

Configuring MEE6 Moderator Commands Access

Server owners and roles with Administrative permissions have access to Moderator commands by default.
If you want to grant access to Moderator commands to certain roles without activating administrative permissions, you can use custom settings for each individual command.
To do this, go to Commands tab and click on the command you wish to edit.
Select "Deny for all roles except" option and then add the role you want to give access to in the exception list.

Immunity from MEE6 Moderator commands

Moderator plugin has an immunity role list which allows you to determine which roles won't be affected by Auto-Moderator filters and plugin commands.
Any role that has Administrative permissions enabled is added to this list automatically.
Server owner, Bot master(s) and MEE6 bot itself are immune by default.

Using MEE6 Moderator commands

To mute someone, type /mute @username
To ban someone, type /ban @username
To kick someone, type /kick @username
Instead of the username, you can also use the User ID.

To temporarily mute or ban someone, you also need to specify the duration of the action.
You can use minutes, hours, days or weeks. For example:
/tempmute 1w2d3h4m @username
/tempban 1w2d3h4m @username
This exact syntax will tempmute or tempban the user for 1 week 2 days 3 hours and 4 minutes combined.
Duration can be in weeks, days, hours or minutes.

For each command, you can add a reason:
/tempmute @username 1w2d3h4m spamming emojis

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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