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How to: Gating

Congratulations; you have activated Gating on your server!

What does that mean?

You can now enable a web3 wallet connection on your Discord server and create rules to assign roles to your community members based on the assets they own in their wallet.

1. Activate the plugin

You can find the Gating plugin on the left bar menu or on the dashboard.

You can click on one or the other to activate the plugin.

2. Enable wallet connection

You will have a very nice smooth onboarding on the Gating feature. Here’s the first step just to get started.

The next step of this onboarding is to enable a wallet connection. Wallet connection is key for your members to verify their wallet ownership and claim the role(s) that you would have set up on your server. To enable a wallet connection, just turn on the toggle and go to the next step.

Wallet connection can be made from a read-only channel, where an Embed will be visible for all members to start the wallet connection process. MEE6 allows you to create the wallet connection read-only channel directly from the Gating onboarding (or choosing an existing channel).

Then press Let’s start to start gating your server!

3. Post the wallet connection embed and manage /wallet-connect command

Once the wallet connection is activated, you can start building your rulesets. However, before we go into that, you can decide whether or not to publish the embed in the wallet connection read-only channel you just created/selected. The embed is the starting point where your community members can connect their web3 wallet to verify the ownership.

To publish the embed, simply click on Post the embed, which will automatically and instantly publish the embed on your read-only channel on your server.

As you can see, your members can not only connect their wallet through the read-only channel, but they also can use the /wallet-connect command to start verifying the ownership of their wallet.

4. Create your first ruleset

To start creating your first ruleset, just click on Create new ruleset button.

From there, you can

  • Edit the name of your rule set (ideal if you plan to have multiple roles/rulesets)
  • Choose between NFT or Crypto - ⚠️ only NFT is available at the moment, but we’re working hard to enable Crypto very soon.
  • Find the Opensea collection (using the search or by pasting the collection slug or Opensea collection URL)   - ⚠️ At this moment, we are not supporting Opensea Contract Collections. We are working on that.
  • Create the ruleset
    • You can give an existing role or create a new role (i.e. Holder)
    • If someone has between x and y (or x and x if you want members to match an exact amount of NFT).

So in the end, you could have something like this.

So here, the ruleset will grant the role genesis-holder to any member with at least one MEE6 Genesis Pass (between 1 to 4439, 4439 being the total items in the collection).

So easy, right?

Then you can press Save, and you will see the list of your current ruleset(s).

5. Edge cases

  • Multi contract collection

Some collections, usually large and historic collections, have multiple contract addresses, which can lead to issues such as members not getting the role. This is because our system will pick up one of the contract addresses that does not contain the NFT items anymore. This is a known issue, and we are working on it to ensure that we look into every contract address for an NFT collection.

  • Multi wallet per member

Though we allow members to verify ownership of multiple wallets if they want to, one wallet must match a ruleset to get the role. For example, if a member has verified 5 wallets that contain 1 NFT of the same collection in every wallet if the ruleset is “get the role Whale if someone has 5 to XXXX”, the member will not get the role as we won’t accumulate between the wallets. He will need to have all 5 NFTs in the same wallet to get the role.

6. FAQ

We will update this page with questions asked by the Genesis Holder community. If you have a question, feel free to ask it here:

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