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MEE6 RSS Feed Alerts for Discord

With our RSS Feeds plugin, you can configure the MEE6 bot to send alerts to your Discord server whenever new posts appear in your favorite feeds. Stay informed with the latest updates from your preferred sources, or if you manage a blog or website, notify your Discord community about new content as soon as it's published.

How to add a MEE6 RSS Feed Alert?

You will need MEE6 premium to be able to use the RSS Feeds plugin.
Head to Server Dashboard > Social Alerts > RSS Feeds. Open the plugin page and click "Create a new RSS Feed" button.

Alert Configuration

• RSS Link:

Unlike other Social Alerts plugins, the RSS link must be precise.
Locate the exact RSS feed from your desired website and insert it here.
Refer to this guide to find or build an RSS link.

• Channel:

Select the Discord channel where MEE6 should post alerts for this RSS feed.

Example of a MEE6 RSS Feed Alert

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

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