With the Welcome plugin, you can get MEE6 to send a message when users leave your server.
You can also select which channel this message gets sent to.
To set up goodbye messages, head on over to your server dashboard > Server Management > Welcome
Send goodbye messages to a Discord channel
To send a goodbye message to a specific channel in your server, enable and configure the option "Send a message when a user leaves the server", and select a channel for the message to be sent to.
After configuring the goodbye message, the next time a user leaves your server, MEE6 will announce their departure in the Discord channel you selected.
Make sure MEE6 has permissions to read messages and send messages in the channel settings for the goodbye channel.
You can use variables to upgrade your goodbye message. For example, keeping track of how many members you have left in your server when someone leaves.
If you have any issues with the plugin, do not hesitate to join our support server ✌️